When you’re going out on a rock climbing trip, it’s always going to be important for you to take the right precautions. To do things safely, it’s always going to be imperative to determine the most effective way to bolt a route. Keep reading to learn everything that you need to know about bolting a route safely. This article will tell you what you need to be thinking about so that you can do things right.
Determine the Right Climbing Bolts to Use
Before doing anything else, it’s important to figure out what climbing bolts you’re supposed to be using. You can typically check with authorities in the area to get recommendations about which bolts to use based on the type of rock that is present. Some bolts are going to be fantastic in certain types of terrain but won’t be nearly as good in others. You should never go on a climbing trip before getting this important bit of information.
Examine the Rock and Check the Sound
Examining the rock area where you’re going to be climbing is a good idea. You want to try to be as observant as possible so that you can pick a clear route that makes sense. It’s also wise to check the sound that the rock makes by lightly tapping it with a hammer. The intention here is to make sure that a rock area is safe for bolting.
Clean the Hole
Remember that patience is a good quality when you’re going rock climbing. Take the time to clean out the hole that you just made in the rock. Blow out the dust and clean things out so that no one will accidentally slip or hurt themselves. Little safety precautions like this are more important than some realize, and you definitely don’t want to take unnecessary risks.
Follow the Instructions for Bolting
Next, you need to place the bolts in the holes that you have made so that you will have your route secured. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully so that you can do everything right. Different bolt types are likely going to have different instructions. Depending on what bolts you’re using, you might need to utilize different methods to finish things out.