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Sports have always been a big part of television and that doesn’t seem as though it is going to change anytime soon. However, this doesn’t mean that certain aspects of sports won’t change. For example, the role of sports on local TV might be evolving in certain ways. Read on to learn about how local sports on television is starting to change somewhat as well as what this might mean for the future.

Local Sports News Segments

Local sports news segments have been a part of news broadcasts since the very early days of TV. In the past, local sports news would be used to help fill up time since they often didn’t have a lot to talk about. These local sports segments were ways for people in the community to catch up on local news. This would include scores for the local college sports games as well as professional sports.

These segments often give information about high school sports in the area too. People would be able to hear about how local high school teams were doing. These segments certainly still happen but they’re much less prevalent than they used to be. The reason for this is that they don’t seem to be all that necessary any longer and the numbers show that people often tune out when the sports segments come on.

Why Local TV Sports Segments Don’t Matter as Much Now

You would be hard-pressed to find people who get all of their sports news from sources such as the local news. Most people learn about the scores of sports games from the Internet or cable sports stations. You can easily check the scores for sports games on your phone at any time in the modern era. This sort of makes the sports segment a bit pointless when you look at it from the right perspective.

In response to this, local news stations are giving less time to local sports segments. You’ll see that these segments are substantially shorter than they used to be even just a decade ago. It’s possible that the local sports segments could disappear entirely in the future but news outlets have not been willing to do away with this tradition as of yet. Time will tell which way things will go in the future.